Welcome! Quicklists are snapshots of the mind that allow us to record and objectively observe our thinking at this moment. Please complete and submit an Elementary Quicklist with your Appointment Request. (Five minutes. Ten words. One Sentence.) For a deeper dive, please complete an Advanced Quicklist and give us an idea of what you’re learning in the process. (There are three statements in each of four categories. It should not take more than fifteen minutes. Examples of each of my Lists follow.) We are forthright in our intention to be of service. Please to be forthright in your intention To Learn and To Choose. Once we begin making Choices, The Path to Healing supports steady momentum, expedites and accelerates Lesson. We want you to be well prepared and confident in your Choice-making Skills. Our goal is to support your success. There is no possibility of failure here. Just note your truest Truth now as clearly and precisely as you can. We’ll talk and make a Plan for Moving Forward. Go!
Quicklists are shortcuts through the ever evolving tapestries of our imagination, beliefs and stories. When we record without censorship our reality in this moment, we ignite sparks of curiosity to inspire questions that lead to insight, deeper meaning and better understanding of who we are. With clarity, we can make informed Choices that resonate with Honor and Respect for the Self and All Others At All Times. The moment we Recognize and Acknowledge our weak points, we become capable of converting their energy into assets and special skills.
1. Courageous
2. Concerned
3. Determined
4. Willing
5. Committed
1. Vindictive
2. Cruel
3. Dishonest
4. Manipulative
5. Indifferent
I care. I care about our planet. I care about the state of our environment. I care about our wildlife and our air and water and our children and about whether or not we’ll destroy ourselves in my lifetime. Humanity is in pain. I care, and it hurts. And more than anything, I want to help make it better. I care, and I’m here to help.
Cultivate Compassion, Gratitude and Forgiveness for The Self. We don’t talk aboutThe List of Things That Are Wrong With Me That No One Can Ever Know About. It’s hard to talk about something we’re generally not willing to admit exists. It does, however, exist for most of us and it informs The Voice In My Head That Says I’m Not Good Enough which negates and dismisses our truth and experience and upsets both, our sense of self and our equanimity. However awful it seems to realize a painful truth, it is ten times worse to Lie, Hide, and Pretend to be someone other than who we are.
1. Smug, Superior and Entitled: Anyone who hurts others and lies about it;
2. Prevaricator: Anyone who speaks “with a forked tongue“ to deliberately mislead, misstate or create an incorrect impression;
3. Hypocrite: anyone who says one thing and does another. In other words, anyone who looks, sounds, acts or even vaguely resembles bio-mother.
1. Betrayal: Anyone who Pretends, Lies, Hides, Manipulates, Cheats or otherwise Damages with intention and awareness, especially by gossiping, Judging and Deciding behind my back.
2. Being Taken for Granted: Not being valued, appreciated or appropriately compensated;
3. Being Negated: Anyone close enough To See me, who may have Chosen to trust me, believe me or believe in me who Chose the opposite and in doing so, threw me away and delivered a world of sorrow and painful Lesson.
1. Dismissive: Anyone who “blows off” an issue, Disappears other Humans or can’t be bothered;
2. Irresponsible, Not Accountable: Anyone who is unwilling to See the Self, Admit to and make Amends for their Damage;
3. Negating: Anyone who refuses to Recognize and Acknowledge Truth. In other words, anyone even remotely resembling my bio-family.
1. Smug, Superior and Entitled Humans who showed me to myself and inspired me to Choose to be different;
2. Humans who lied to me, disrespected me, never gave me credit and inspired me to become Impeccably Honest; universally Respectful, Thoughtful, Grateful and Authentic;
3. Humans who demonstrate who I never want to be, ever again into infinity, no matter what it costs, no matter how much it hurts, because nothing Feels better than being comfortable, at home and at peace with The Choices I make for myself.
Handbook for Humans is written and presented in Love and Service at no cost to any Human who wishes To Learn. No one can afford to work for free. We need your financial assistance and support to keep moving forward — learning ,growing, healing and helping others do the same. If we have been of Assistance; provided insight or guidance that helps you To Feel Good about yourself, heal or improve some aspect or quality of life, please demonstrate your Gratitude with a monetary gift. Our goal is your success. Please be supremely successful and exponentially grateful. Thank you in advance for your spiritual and monetary generosity. Yours in service, Silver Sage
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