Lesson Presentation is a discomfiting emotional response that alerts The Lesson Plan to a threat that is or may soon be present. All Defensive and Protective responses are Lessons. Lessons are opportunities to understand the ways we were damaged; the ways we damage others and the ways we damage the self.
The Judgments I received are the Judgments I believed.
Judgments are mandates — authoritative commands to be, do, think, speak and act in ways that earn acceptance and approval or suffer the consequences. Judgment is not about the Judged. Judgment is about The Judge. The only way a Judge can See the Self is by projecting the self’s Judgments of the self onto others.
Beliefs are erroneous conclusions.
Beliefs may or may not be truths, but we do not know until we choose To Question. Like gold, Beliefs are malleable. They can be melted down and reshaped into anything we can imagine. When we challenge our Beliefs about not being good enough, we give our unhealed self permission To Be Seen, To Be Heard, To Be Known, To Be Healed and
To Be Loved.
Stories are fabrications. The Story is a burden we agree to carry in order To Be Loved. The Story exists to explain and Normalize The Pain and make it bearable. Question: Does defending and protecting The Story satisfy our longing To Love and Be Loved? The things we fear we are missing will be missing for as long we choose to Judge others instead of choosing to See, Know and Be Accountable for the Self.
Lesson Plans are Hardwired and activated in early childhood. The only exception is The Lesson Plan of Denial which is genetically encoded in our DNA. The Denialista does not think about being Superior and Entitled.
The Denialista IS Superior and Entitled.
Without great need and considerable effort, The Denialista cannot See the Self in any other way. Entitlement and Arrogance preclude Gratitude and Humility. Others exist to Endorse the self and the self’s activities, suffer the consequences or do not exist at all.
We cannot heal what we refuse to Acknowledge. The Pain exists.The Rage exists. Our Weapons Damage. We damage
the Self. We damage others. The special dichotomy of The Denialista assures a mighty inner conflict between two voices always in the head - the One that says I’m Not Good Enough and the One that says I’m Better Than Everyone Else that overrides it. No matter how deeply buried, where the sense of unworthiness exists, The Lesson Plan
exists to Defend and Protect it.
Entitlement enforces Blindness to the Self. Denial negates responsibility for the damage. Judgment, Dismissal, Refusal and Rejection are the Weapons of choice.
The Denialista does not See how Denial Diminishes the Self and will not readily Admit to damaging others. Yes. I thought that. Yes. I said that. Yes. I did that. Yes. I’m doing that now! I hate being Dismissed. I hate being Judged. Here I am, Judging and Dismissing others. It hurts! I’m hurting myself.
It’s awful. I don’t like it! I have a Choice!
I grew up bereft of comfort for someone to love. I thought it meant I was broken and worthless. Here’s what I Learned: The kindest, most Loving, Honoring and Respectful thing any Human can do is Choose To Learn to Honor, Respect and Feel Good about the Self. I know what it feels like to be in Pain and to want to hurt someone. I have been so filled with Rage, I damaged without conscience. To me, a smug, contemptuous attitude is instantly repulsive. Being Dismissed inspires Outrage. Judgment is a curse that marked my life with anguish. Bio-mother hurt me and Denied it. Bio-father and brother were Dismissive; and every time I Spoke My Truth, I was met with
Judgment — beaten, labeled, Diminished,
Shut-out and Negated.
The Nature of Lesson is failure and repetition. It is unfair and unrealistic to expect anyone else to fix us or Love us all better; and We can’t receive Love if we don’t believe we are worthy. Our Choice to be different is always supported. To aid and speed our progress, we are provided with Lesson. Some Lessons are internal and help us align our intentions with our thinking and behavior. Some Lessons are external and Engage other Humans. Some Lessons are resolved in a moment and last forever. Some follow us through life. With each repetition, we are able to experience the Self and gauge our progress. How are we the same? How are we different? When and How did we Fail? What will we do differently next time this Lesson is Presented?
The hard part isn’t Admitting to being awful and Lying about it. The hard part is experiencing The Pain we cause and The Pain we store simultaneously during The Lesson and Choosing To Be Different in the moment. An Alert! informs The Lesson Plan that Lesson is present. Escalation is the heightening sense of danger and intensified emotion in which we are Defensive but still have a Choice. Engagement is battle. We open the mouth; The Pain pours out, and we damage with Rage and intention. If we are righteous or satisfied after Engagement, The Lesson Plan is justifying itself. If we experience Grief, Sorrow, Remorse or Regret, we are suffering with purpose by processing the original hurt correctly and by integrating the consequences of The Pain we dish out.
The first objective is No Judgment! No Damage! Honor and Respect. If you can’t be absolutely genuine, Good Manners never hurt anyone. Be polite. Be brief. Deal in fact. Speak softly. Listen To and Observe the Self. Keep weapons racked. Honor your Intention to Stop! Damaging. No stories. No lies. No half truths. No omissions. Apply Impeccable Truth; focus on The Lesson and The Self. What am I observing? What am I experiencing? Is it familiar? How? Have I been that? Done that? Said things like that? When? With what intention? What inspired it? Do I still do that? How is it damaging? Does it Feel Good? Do I like it? If not, what am I doing about it? At the first flutter of Lesson Presentation, Stop! Breathe. Focus. Question. The Lesson will reveal itself.
Humans can seriously damage one another with just one, emotionally loaded word. An epithet is a Judgment delivered with force by mouth or by thought. Bastard! Traitor! Moron! Idiot. The intention and the emotion behind the words are enough to damage without speaking them. The Bitterness, Anger and Resentment that feeds those epithets is toxic and conceals misplaced Rage and self-loathing; dishonor and disrespect that are the result of those very same Judgments and epithets. The instant a Judgment is present, Recognize, Acknowledge and Attend The Lesson. See the Self. Nullify it. Correct it. Take it back. Apologize if it was directed at anyone. Apologize if it was directed at the Self. Resolve to Stop! Offer Gratitude for The Lesson and give a compliment instead.
The best Defense is No Offense. Be Prepared. Know your Lessons. Apply The Tenets, Right Thinking and Right Action; Practice The Plan when not under duress. Master the mouth. Stay focused on the Self. Don’t do what you don’t like or may Regret. Ever. If you discover you are doing it, Stop! If you hate being Judged Stop! Judging. Practice Honor and Respect in the car. Stop! cursing other drivers. Practice Humility while waiting. I Do Not Know. I am no more or less important than any other creature on this planet. Attend Lessons with curiosity. What can I Learn about myself in this moment? Speak less. Listen more. Question. Seek Assistance. Consult Wise Counsel. Journal. Where Lesson exists, so does Choice. You are capable even when it hurts like hell.
The importance of Self Reflection cannot be overstated.The Quiet Mind is more receptive to The Voice of the Heart. Somewhere beneath The Story and The Pain is The Truth. Seek clarity. Know the purpose and intention behind every thought and every word you speak. What is the point of this comment? Is it a List, a Script or a Story? Is it relevant? Why am I telling it? What is my goal? To contribute? To Hear my own words? To Recognize and Acknowledge The Lesson? To See myself? To be Seen? To be Included? To be valued? To entertain? To validate? To Prove or To Damage? To Deflect, Deflate or Diminish? To define or distinguish the Self? To Aggrandize? Or something else? Does it Feel Good? A Quiet Mind is present in the moment. A Quiet Mind is a safe, loving home for the Self.
It hurts when we hold it in. The Lesson Plan vents steam like a pressure cooker that’s always on the fire. It hurts when we let it out, but it’s different, because we know what it means and why the Experience is present, and we have Chosen to Honor and Respect the Self by suffering through Grief, Sorrow, Regret or Remorse in order to free the Self from it. Release is a little different for every body. I get really cold and shiver. I cry, a lot. It can be intense. Each Human has unique internal experiences. Awareness of one’s own processes develops with practice. Do what works to stay safe and be present in the moment. Soften. Breathe and Allow. Stay in until it’s all out. Releases are Earned. Releases signify Success. Honor the process. Cultivate Gratitude for The Lesson. Respect the Self. Celebrate! Move Forward.
The Voice of The Heart is the one most softly spoken; the one most frequently silenced, and the one that most needs To Be Heard. Love Feels better than Good. Love Feels limitless and empowering. I was in pain; suffering without reason, meaning or purpose. I needed to make sense of The Pain. I needed to understand. The Path to Healing provided The Way. I am daily awed and inspired by the results. When I am Love, I am all I’ve put before you and all as yet unknown. There is nothing missing. I am at peace and at home with my Self. I am whole. This is only the beginning. There is so much more to Learn and discover. All Humans are invited. Handbook for Humans is written in Love and The Path is open to everyone.
It is hard to be grateful for The Pain. It is hard to be grateful for the tough Lessons. The most painful, Heart-healing Lessons challenge us to do and be our very best automatically while under extreme duress; build Resilience, Fortitude and Wisdom and provide the most benefit to the Self and Others. The apologist is both Learning and demonstrating Humility, Honor and Respect. In a split second, the rightly given apology can be viscerally acknowledged by The Heart of the receiver and leaves no doubt as to its sincerity or intention. It is then up to The Apologist to do as promised to reinstate Trust. All participants have the opportunity To See and Know the Self; to provide assistance to one another, to exercise Gratitude and to practice Being Love.
My goal is To Learn from the experience and Resolve the Lesson. Fortunately, Forgiveness is not required to Heal the Self or to Move Forward. Harbored Bitterness, Anger and Resentment are toxic and damaging to the Self so it is vital to Let Go of that over which we have no purview. Accepting someone’s decision to continue damaging the self and others is the hardest Lesson of all, especially if that someone is or was attached. Letting Go Acknowledges, Honors and Respects The Pain and allows us to correctly Grieve and Release our Loss. We grieve. We process. We integrate. We do not Judge. We do not Damage. We do our best to help, fix, solve or change what doesn’t Feel Good and we Lovingly and Gratefully Let Go of the rest.
Bio-father was hell bent on fulfilling the experience of addiction that causes terrible damage, immense suffering and a horrible death. His Pain was violent, destructive and relentless, and I was his punching bag. I forgave his brokenness, not his choice to be violent. Start with The Tenets, Right Thinking and Right Action. Study the effects of Judgment and Denial on your life. Question everything that doesn’t Feel Good. Everything needed to accomplish and experience success has been provided free of cost. There is no need to continue living with the emptiness, sorrow, loneliness, Rage, Fear and Pain that feed and drive the Lesson Plan of Denial. Embrace understanding. You are capable. Handbook for Humans will support you. I am here to help. SS
Welcome! Please complete and submit a Who am I in this moment? Quicklist with your Appointment Request. (Five minutes. Ten words. One sentence.) For a deeper dive, please complete an Advanced Quicklist. (Three statements in each of four categories. It should not take more than fifteen minutes. Mine follow for example.) We are forthright in our intention to be of service. We ask you to be forthright in your intention To Learn and To Choose. Once you begin making Choices, The Path to Healing supports steady momentum, expedites and accelerates Lesson. We want you to be well prepared and confident in your Choice to Move Forward. Our goal is to support your success. There is no possibility of failure. Just note your truest Truth in this moment as clearly and precisely as you can. We’ll talk about it and make a Plan to Move Forward.
Everything neeeded To Learn about The Path to Healing; The List of Things That Are Wrong With Me That No One Can Ever Know About; Judgment and The Lesson Plan of Denial has been provided in the Handbook. Moving Forward, we shall introduce and attend each of the five remaining Lesson Plans building upon the foundation we have created. The next Lesson Plan for study is Separation. The Healing Algorithm for The Lesson Plan of Separation is Join Together With Others To Accomplish. Our goal is to create small groups of like-minded Spiritual Adventurers who meet weekly for Guidance and who provide assistance and wise counsel to one another outside of the classroom. Sharing our experiences promotes rapid assimilation of Knowledge that allows us to Move Forward with fortitude and confidence To Choose; To Learn and To Master our Lessons.
Handbook for Humans is written and presented in Love and Service at no cost to any Human who wishes To Learn. No one can afford to work for free. We need your financial assistance and support to keep moving forward — learning ,growing, healing and helping others do the same. If we have been of Assistance; provided insight or guidance that helps you To Feel Good about yourself, heal or improve some aspect or quality of life, please demonstrate your Gratitude with a monetary gift. Our goal is your success. Please be supremely successful and exponentially grateful. Thank you in advance for your spiritual and monetary generosity. Yours in service, Silver Sage
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